We have responded to the consultation on the options for change as part of Professor Hayward’s independent review of the future of qualifications and assessment in Scotland.
In our submission, we support the opportunity for learners to have diverse opportunities to meet their needs and interests as they move beyond school to college, university, training, or work. We have highlighted the need for qualifications to be fair for all learners and that assessment opportunities are transparent and available to all. We also recognise that some learners do not respond well to traditional assessment methods nor show their full potential in school qualifications.
Qualifications should develop well prepared learners (for university, college, or work) and allow universities to make fair, transparent, and equitable admissions decisions for those progressing to university. We also support qualifications that can deliver both academic content and broader skills acquisition. Universities are open to change and already use a variety of innovative assessment methods as appropriate to the course and learning outcomes under assessment such as group work, problem-based learning etc . We highlight our preference for a qualification system that allows for robust external validation and assessment and would be happy to share examples of best practice from across the university sector.