Briefings & Evidence

Views on the Legislative Consent Memorandum on the HE & Research Bill

Certain provisions  of the Higher Education and Research Bill at Westminister now require the consent of the Scottish Parliament following amendments. The Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee has sought views on the Legislative Consent Memorandum (LCM) prepared by the Scottish Government. The Committee is due to discuss the LCM at its meeting on 26 October.

Universities Scotland has given the following views on the LCM. Download the submission here.

We welcome the amendment to allow Scottish higher education institutions to participate in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) if they so choose. We welcome the amendment to allow joint working between the Scottish Funding Council and the new English and UK-wide structures created by the Bill. We are unclear as to origins and intent of the third amendment which would bring the Bill under the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, as it was not tabled at the point the LCM was written. At the point the Bill had concluded the Committee stage in the House of Commons no such amendment appeared to have been laid.

You can find details of the Education and Skills Committee’s consideration of the LCM here.