
Committee of Scottish Chairs publish a new code of governance

Universities Scotland welcomes the publication of the 2017 edition of the Scottish Code of Good Higher Education Governance. The code, which sets out principles and practices to ensure the effective governance of universities, represents a significant step forward in university transparency, inclusion and accountability.

The safeguarding of good governance in HEIs is the responsibility of the Chairs of individual institutions’ governing bodies, together known as the Committee of Scottish Chairs. Every higher education institution in Scotland has a governing body, usually known as the ‘Court’ or ‘Board’, which includes independent members, members drawn from the institutions’ staff and students, and the Principal. By adhering to the code, universities will be able to show that they conduct their business with due respect for the public interest.

Universities Scotland’s Director Alastair Sim said:

“The code represents the sector in Scotland’s appetite for continual enhancement in good governance. The wide range of stakeholders including staff and students on the steering group reflects how inclusive the process has been of the full university community.

“There are several examples of good governance within the new code but the most important is the changes on remuneration committees. We support a transparency and inclusive approach to their decision-making. Hopefully these changes will demystify the process and give staff, students and stakeholders further confidence in the governance arrangements of our world-class seats of higher education.”


You can read more about university governance here and download the new edition of the code here.