The #CreativeSparks phase of MadeAtUni showcases the contribution of UK universities to the nation’s creative industries and future economic success. We’ve spoken to Principals about the far-reaching benefits of the creative and performing arts.
We asked Susan Stewart, Director of the Open University in Scotland, about the skills and attributes that a degree in the creative arts equips graduates with.
Creativity is one of the World Economic Forum’s top five skills for the future, and creative arts degrees prepare students for great careers in the creative industries and beyond.
Arts and humanities provide a fantastic grounding in valuable skills from problem-solving to analytical thinking. But most of all, our creative arts students develop great discipline, rigour in thinking, as well as confidence. These degree courses require the student to set their own agenda, but also to work collaboratively to test and develop ideas. Arts students have to make independent decisions and be self-critical. You could say that an arts or creative degree gives you the ability to imagine an entirely different world, challenge and find solutions.
At the Open University, we provide an Open degree qualification where you can mix and match across our huge range of subjects in arts and sciences. This is a highly popular choice amongst students and employers tell us having an Open degree across disciplines demonstrates that students are flexible and adaptable, much sought after skills in today’s competitive job market.