
Graduates in Scotland Have Best Employment Prospects in the UK – Motion S4M-03647 lodged in the Scottish Parliament

Graduates in Scotland Have Best Employment Prospects in the UK
That the Parliament notes the publication of Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) 2010/11 by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in June 2012; further notes HESA’s publication of Employment indicators 2010/11 in July 2012; welcomes the findings that Scotland had the highest rate of positive destinations for its graduates in the UK at 93%, outperforming the rest of the UK by 2.7%, a 0.8% increase for Scotland compared with the previous year; welcomes the finding that graduates from Scotland’s universities retained the lowest level of unemployment in the UK, at 7% compared with 9% in the UK and 10% in England, and that the starting salary for graduates in Scotland was the best in the UK, at a mean of £21,500 compared with £21,000 for the UK; welcomes progress in dealing with graduate underemployment, with a 1% increase in graduates in Scotland getting graduate-level jobs; believes that these figures are the result of a concerted and strategic focus on employability in Scotland’s universities and testament to the value that employers place on the quality higher education delivered by each of Scotland’s 19 universities, and believes that these figures will give a welcome confidence boost to all of Scotland’s students graduating this year and in future years.

Supported by: Richard Lyle, Graeme Dey, Maureen Watt, Kevin Stewart, Clare Adamson, Humza Yousaf, Kenneth Gibson, Dennis Robertson, Margaret Burgess, Roderick Campbell, Joan McAlpine, Joe FitzPatrick, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Rob Gibson, John Finnie, John Mason, Gil Paterson, Gordon MacDonald, Annabelle Ewing, Bob Doris, Adam Ingram, James Dornan, Jean Urquhart, David Torrance, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Angus MacDonald, Marco Biagi, Linda Fabiani, Aileen McLeod