
Scotland’s first International Education Strategy: developing positive links

Today, the Scottish Government launched Scotland’s first International Education Strategy at Edinburgh Napier University.

We warmly welcome this announcement, which will allow Scotland’s world-leading universities to continue to thrive internationally and develop the contribution of universities to the Scottish society.

Our International Committee Convener, Professor Andrea Nolan has said:

“This Strategy has been highly anticipated by the sector and could not have come at a more important time. Recent years have brought us several geopolitical and international policy challenges. In that context, Scotland has to differentiate its position and be clear on its values. As a country, we have always been outward facing, and our universities are proud to be a major part and driver of our connections across the globe, and provide a warm, supportive, and inclusive welcome into Scotland.  

“This is Scotland’s first international education strategy, and it gives us a platform, working together with Government and other partners, to further develop these positive links to strengthen the sector’s contribution to the economy, society, and culture. It also looks to deepen support for the full breadth of universities’ international role. We’re already known internationally for the quality of our higher and further education, but what may be less well understood is the role our universities and colleges play as major contributors to inwards investment, and the attraction of talented people who want to live and work in here. Working in partnership we will build on all elements of our international work to grow our reach and impact.”