
No complacency in higher education as world rankings put Scotland amongst the very best

Scotland’s university sector has held its place in the world rankings with five universities listed in the world’s top two-hundred for 2018, according to new data published today. Another seven Scottish universities are listed in the complete set of 1,000 ranked institutions which represent the top 5 per cent of universities in the world.

The Times Higher Education world university rankings for 2018 show that the University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, University of St Andrews, University of Aberdeen and University of Dundee all feature in the top 200 listed universities in the world. The Times Higher world rankings assess universities across their core missions of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and internationalisation.

Commenting on the rankings, Professor Andrea Nolan, Convener of Universities Scotland and Principal of Edinburgh Napier University said:

“We couldn’t be prouder of our universities’ performance in the Times Higher Education world university rankings and that Scotland is home to five universities in the top 200. Higher education is a Scottish ‘jewel’ and a national asset that competes very successfully around the world because of its quality and brings the benefit of that internationalisation home. It’s an outstanding achievement that delivers for the whole of Scotland.

“No-one in Scottish higher education is complacent about our performance. Competition is fierce with other countries snapping at our heels because they have chosen to investment significantly in their university sectors. Ongoing support and investment in Scotland is vital to sustaining our excellence, reach and competitive edge; investment that will deliver for Scotland’s skills base and innovation requirements, and draw in even greater export income from around the world.

“Full credit goes to the staff working in our universities, delivering the outstanding teaching, the research and the strategy that keeps us competitive.”

The 14th annual edition of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2018 is a list of the top 1,000 universities from 77 countries. Rankings for Scotland’s universities include:

#27 The University of Edinburgh

#80 The University of Glasgow

#143 The University of St Andrews

#185 The University of Aberdeen

#187 The University of Dundee

An additional seven universities appear in the complete list of 1,000 which represents the top 5 per cent of universities in the world. They are the University of Stirling, Heriot-Watt University, University of Strathclyde, University of the West of Scotland, Edinburgh Napier University, Glasgow Caledonian University and Robert Gordon University.


The full results and analysis from the Times Highers is available at

Further information:

Susannah Lane

Head of Public Affairs

Universities Scotland

T: 0131 225 0701

M: 07715992908
