
Response to the next steps on post-school reform: a Scottish Government consultation

The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on proposals for legislation to change what public bodies do in the post-school system. This consultation will focus on gathering proposals that aim to simplify the responsibilities for apprenticeships and student support.

Following the launch of this consultation, Professor Iain Gillespie, Convener of Universities Scotland said:

“Following dialogue with the Scottish Government over the last 12 months on post-school reform, we welcome this step forward to deliver aspects of the Withers report and the opportunity to consider next steps on the path to reform the structures for student support and apprenticeship funding. We’ll give the proposals careful consideration with our membership.

“As the consultation makes clear, these options sit within a much bigger landscape of reform, spanning all levels of education, and so it is important that the options are considered in the round. We are pleased to see that university funding will continue to be distributed by the Scottish Funding Council, as a non-departmental public body, which is an important aspect of universities’ current ONS classification. We also welcome the intention to keep responsibility for research within the Funding Council, and so maintain the vital link between research and learning and teaching, which benefits our students and the academic community.”

The consultation will close on Friday 20 September 2024.