Scotland: A great place to study, live and work
Outward-looking with an international environment at home
The campuses of Scotland’s universities are amongst the most multicultural in the world. Around 31% of students in Scotland are from overseas. Similarly, Scotland is a magnet for talented international researchers and academics, with around 24% of staff being of non-UK nationality (HESA 2021). Scotland’s universities are constantly looking for opportunities to collaborate, to expand existing partnerships and develop new ones. To cultivate a multicultural environment and build greater opportunities for mobility, some of Scotland’s institutions have established a presence overseas, in the form of an office or a branch campus offering the same quality education and excellence that can be experienced at home.
Scotland: A great place to study, live and work presents an overview of the Scottish higher education sector’s strengths in teaching, research and briefly profiles the distinctive character of each institution. It is likely to be of interest to prospective international students as well as teaching and research partners around the world and potential inward investors.
Key Points:
- Scotland’s higher education institutions currently have teaching, research, and staff/student exchange partnerships in over 100 countries.
- Each year more than 58,000 international students from 180 countries study in Scotland.
- 77% of Scotland’s research was judged to be ‘internationally excellent’ or ‘world-leading’.
- 91% of international graduates said that they are satisfied with their learning experience in Scotland.