
Scotland’s HE sector to pay staff the living wage

The Principals of Scotland’s 19 higher education institutions have confirmed that they intend to pay the living wage to staff.

Each Principal confirmed their intention to pay the living wage at their institution during Universities Scotland’s Committee of Principals on Wednesday, 15 April 2015. Every member of staff covered by collective pay agreements at Scotland’s 19 higher education institutions will be paid the living wage for the foreseeable future.

The issue, along with other fair work issues, has been under consideration for a significant period and the sector has been working constructively with unions at a UK-level over the last year. Universities Scotland and the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) have discussed this on multiple occasions. The STUC as well as the major unions recognised by Scotland’s higher education institutions have been advised of this decision.

The intention of every institution in the sector to pay the living wage for the foreseeable future is sincerely meant but it as far as the sector is able to commit at present given the unpredictable nature of annual increases in the living wage and uncertainty in higher education funding.