Ela Kossakowska, our Connected Scotland project officer, has written a blog about an event led by Connected Scotland with Scotland’s Universities International Group (SUIG), hosted at Scotland House in London, with the aim of building and strengthening Scotland’s international relationships.
Connected Scotland and SUIG once again invited education and culture attaches and sponsors to Scotland House in London to build and strengthen relationships. We updated them on progress in Scotland and IES and reminded why Scottish universities are a tremendous option when considering partners for research, partnership with funded students, exchange programmes and TNE.
Attachés had a chance to engage with senior leaders, international admission teams, and partner organisations from a number of Scotland’s universities and higher education institutes as well as SG leaders and US and British Council Scotland directors. We invited guests to visit Scottish universities in Scotland. One of the highlights of the evening was an amazing performance from the Morris-Begg Duo of Ross Morris (guitar) and Ines Mayhew-Begg (voice), alumni from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. It was a busy, fantastic event and we hope to have it in a Connected Scotland calendar every year.