Stirling’s “one stop shop” for new students
Universities UK’s Stepchange Framework looks at student mental health and wellbeing through four ‘domains’ of Learn, Support, Work and Live. The way in which learning is designed, structured and provided can be supportive of positive mental wellbeing, as the following example shows.
The University of Stirling has created ‘Stirling Essentials’, a digital gateway for students to a wide range of advice and study skills resources.
The University recognises that the transition to university is challenging and that students require support. To address this, Stirling Essentials offers a mixture of resources, activities and online workshops to help students prepare for their time at university – both for academic study and wider student life. The resource provides students with the tools and advice to support their academic studies and general wellbeing, as well as dedicated resources and sign posting for support on challenging issues including preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence.
Stirling Essentials is available online to students before they arrive and throughout their studies and has different versions for undergraduate and postgraduate students, recognising their different needs. Activities include an academic integrity mini module; online workshops on digital and academic skills; managing expectations and well-being while studying. Online workshops are very popular and run throughout semester with high participation rates.
The University continues to review and enhance Stirling Essentials, considering student feedback and the changing environment. For example, this year activities were included for returning students who had not previously been on campus, due to Covid restrictions, to help build their confidence as they embarked on campus-based study and life.