We have responded to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee’s consultation on Managing Scotland’s Public Finances: A Strategic Approach. Key elements in our response are: Universities Scotland advocates for Scottish Government to invest capital funding in universities’ research and innovation activities which boost economic growth for the collective benefit of Scotland. The enabling funding Scottish Government…
Tag: Politics
UK Government outlines position on international students
Last week, the Secretary of State for Education Bridget Phillipson set out the position of the Labour Government on international students. She made it clear that international students are welcome in the UK. We strongly welcome this announcement. International students contribute widely to society and to our communities during their time in the UK. Our…
Response to the next steps on post-school reform: a Scottish Government consultation
The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on proposals for legislation to change what public bodies do in the post-school system. This consultation will focus on gathering proposals that aim to simplify the responsibilities for apprenticeships and student support. Following the launch of this consultation, Professor Iain Gillespie, Convener of Universities Scotland said: “Following dialogue…
Will Whitehorn: The importance of the graduate route to the UK
Published in The Times today, Will Whitehorn outlines the importance of the graduate route to the UK, determining that it should remain as it is. He highlights that the removal or reform of the graduate route would have a negative impact on university finances immediately, and a damaging impact on industry, on growth, on innovation…
40 Faces campaign, a letter to the Education, Children and Young People’s Committee
Following the launch of our ’40 Faces’ campaign on 15 April, we wrote to Sue Webber MSP as the Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People’s Committee. The campaign calls on stakeholders to refocus their efforts towards the ambitious access goals set for 2030 by the Commission for Widening Access in the…
Revealed: Manifesto to maximise growth and opportunities
Universities Scotland, which represents 19 universities and higher education institutions across Scotland reveal their manifesto asks in anticipation of the UK General Election. The manifesto asks the next UK government to make policy and funding decisions in ways that maximise the positive economic and social impact Scotland delivers as part of the UK. Higher education…
Briefing on widening access: Scottish Government debate
Ahead of the Scottish Government led debate on widening access this week, we have prepared a brief that has went to MSPs which outlines our key asks for the widening access agenda. This is to ensure universities are able to meet the 2030 target of 20% of students from the most 20% deprived areas attend…
Universities Scotland: A brief for Ministerial statement on post-school reform
Universities Scotland have circulated a brief to MSPs within the Scottish Parliament ahead of the Minister for Higher Education, Further Education and Veterans, Graeme Dey’s statement to Parliament on post-school reform. Within this brief, we have highlighted our key messages which inlcude: Universities welcomed many of the bold ideas in the Withers report on skills…
Science and Scotland: follow up
Following our appearance at Westminster’s Scottish Affairs Committee on their inquiry into Science and Scotland, we have written a follow up letter to provide the Committee with additional evidence on their inquiry. In our follow up letter, we have provided further information to Douglas Ross MP on the balance on international student recruitment in Scotland…
Skills fit for the future: our key messages to the Scottish Parliament
We have circulated a brief to MSP’s ahead of James Withers appearing at the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People’s Committee on Wednesday 15 November. Within this brief, we have outlined our response to the Withers Review and what our key messages are to inform members of Parliament what the sector would like to…