Tag: Students

Universities Scotland responds to Minister Lochhead’s statement on Further and Higher Education Sustainability Plan

The Minister for Further and Higher education, Mr Richard Lochhead MSP, made a statement to Holyrood this afternoon (Thursday 9 July 2020) to accompany the publication of the Scottish Government’s new Coronavirus Further and Higher Education Sustainability Plan. The Plan confirms the Scottish Government’s decision on the fee status of EEA undergraduate students starting universities…

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Universities Scotland comments on latest UCAS data on university applications for 2020 cycle

Earlier today (Thursday 9 July) UCAS released data on all applicants to university for entry in autumn 2020. This data covers applicants of all domiciles (Scottish, UK, EU and international) who choose to apply via UCAS and have done so by the June deadline. As such, it represents the most robust and up to date…

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Scotland’s Recovery

Post-pandemic the university sector will be a key part of Scotland’s recovery. The world-leading research and teaching that we offer will be strategically deployed to accelerate the recovery. Scotland will face severe challenges as we look beyond the coronavirus emergency. Its universities will co-develop an agile response with government, agencies, business and wider partners across…

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Positive set of graduate outcomes for the class of 2017/18 in new data set

A new, “experimental” set of statistics showing graduate outcomes 15 months after the competition of studies has been released by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for the first time today. The data confirm a range of positive outcomes for the graduates of Scotland’s universities including: 90% of graduates from Scotland’s universities were in some…

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New research will help Scottish students thrive

A new research project into student mental health in Scotland will aim to better understand the landscape of provision, ‘what works’ for promoting wellbeing, and what students want to enhance and promote their wellbeing. The Robertson Trust has agreed to fund the project being undertaken by The Mental Health Foundation on behalf of Universities Scotland….

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Social media materials produced for colleges and universities to support victims of Gender Based Violence during lockdown

New social media materials have been produced to help universities and colleges across Scotland support staff and students who might be experiencing gender-based violence (GBV) and abuse while social distancing measures are in place due to COVID-19. Social distancing and self-isolation measures can be particularly challenging for those experiencing GBV. The website and social media materials…

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UK Government plans to introduce student number controls on Scotland’s universities are unacceptable

Universities Scotland has responded to UK Government proposals expected to be announced on Monday 1 June which would see controls placed on the number of students Scotland’s universities can admit from England. The UK Government intends to amend the student fee loan legislation from next week in order to limit the number of England-domiciled students that could take up a university place in Scotland. Student number controls have…

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Universities Scotland briefing on the UK Government’s introduction of Temporary Student Number Controls

Universities Scotland has produced a briefing on a sudden and disruptive policy change that has the potential to negatively impact on the recruitment of English undergraduate students for the 2020 and 2021 intake. This will be introduced by the Department for Education on 1 June without any consultation with institutions in Scotland. The potential impact…

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Colleges and universities preparing for phased return

Scotland’s colleges and universities are gearing up for a phased campus return for the next academic year as COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are gradually lifted. When institutions suspended face-to-face teaching in March to protect staff and students, they were able to quickly switch to online teaching and assessment, providing students with equipment to access online learning….

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Education and Skills Committee inquiry on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education

• Universities Scotland is clear that universities will need decisive and strategic action from both the Scottish and UK Government to get them through this crisis. The scale of the financial challenge is greater than the Scottish Government can meet from its existing budget. This is not a political point and this is not a time for politicking. Universities want to work in lock step with both Governments and believe this matches their objective during this time.

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