Tag: Teaching, learning and quality

Universities Scotland comments on latest UCAS data on university applications for 2020 cycle

Earlier today (Thursday 9 July) UCAS released data on all applicants to university for entry in autumn 2020. This data covers applicants of all domiciles (Scottish, UK, EU and international) who choose to apply via UCAS and have done so by the June deadline. As such, it represents the most robust and up to date…

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Scotland’s Recovery

Post-pandemic the university sector will be a key part of Scotland’s recovery. The world-leading research and teaching that we offer will be strategically deployed to accelerate the recovery. Scotland will face severe challenges as we look beyond the coronavirus emergency. Its universities will co-develop an agile response with government, agencies, business and wider partners across…

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Colleges and universities preparing for phased return

Scotland’s colleges and universities are gearing up for a phased campus return for the next academic year as COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are gradually lifted. When institutions suspended face-to-face teaching in March to protect staff and students, they were able to quickly switch to online teaching and assessment, providing students with equipment to access online learning….

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Universities Scotland submission on the impact of Brexit on higher education

On Wednesday 18 September 2019, Universities Scotland Director Alastair Sim will give evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee about the impact of Brexit on the higher education sector. Ahead of the session, we submitted written evidence to the Committee which outlines our concerns about the consequences of a no deal exit from…

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Student survey shows huge support for the value of university education

New research shows that a large majority of students and recent graduates believe that going to university is valuable experience and are positive about the benefits of a university degree. Research by ComsRes for Universities UK found that students and graduates recognise that universities broadens their horizons, with 83% of respondents agreeing that university helps…

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Scottish universities receive strong report card from students

This year’s National Student Survey (NSS) results have shown that students studying at Scottish universities are more satisfied with the quality of their course compared with last year. Overall satisfaction with courses in Scotland has improved by one per cent since 2018 and now stands at 84 per cent. The figure matches the UK average…

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Augar: The view from Scotland

Our Director, Alastair Sim, reflects on the Augar Review of post-18 education and funding and what the recommendations mean for the Scottish higher education sector. Scottish university leaders have been waiting for the Augar Review with some anxiety. Their interest is much greater than you would expect from the Review’s very brief reference to devolved…

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The college-to-university route strengthens, with record numbers of students given full credit for their college study

New figures published by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) today set out a positive picture about the extent of collaboration between colleges and university to support learners to seamlessly progress from Higher National qualifications direct into a degree at university. Known as “articulation”, this route can support widening access and where possible, it reduces the…

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Our response to UK Government’s consultation on subject-level TEF

Universities Scotland has responded to a call for evidence from the UK Department for Education (DfE) on the design of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) at subject level. Currently, the TEF assesses provider-level undergraduate provision but the UK Government intends to extend this to a disciplinary level from 2020. Our response highlights the concerns…

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Scottish universities better UK average for retention for first time in a generation

Responding to the latest HESA data release on non-continuation of studies, Alastair Sim, Director of Universities Scotland said: The fact that this is the first time in 19 years that the retention rate in Scotland is better than the UK average is significant and a cause for celebration. The sector and individual institutions have dedicated…

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