Briefings & Evidence

Submission to Finance Committee: Managing Scotland’s Public Finances: A Strategic Approach

We have responded to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee’s consultation on Managing Scotland’s Public Finances: A Strategic Approach.

Key elements in our response are:

  • Universities Scotland advocates for Scottish Government to invest capital funding in universities’ research and innovation activities which boost economic growth for the collective benefit of Scotland.
  • The enabling funding Scottish Government provides for university research helps Scottish universities remain competitive in securing significant additional funding from sources across the UK, European Union, industry, and charities, amplifying the impact of Scottish Government investment.
  • Investment in university research and development generates an average economic return eight times the original investment.
  • In order for Scottish universities to continue undertaking world class research and innovation activities which contribute to the achievement of the Government’s innovation and growth agenda, they require sustainable, predictable funding from Scottish Government to allow for strategic planning and investment in research staff, programmes, and infrastructure over time.

You can read the full submission here.