Tag: Politics

Science and Scotland: Submission to the UK Parliament’s Scottish Affairs Committee

Universities Scotland have submitted evidence to the UK Parliament’s Scottish Affairs Committee on their inquiry into Science and Scotland. In our evidence, we highlight that research is an area in which Scotland is genuinely “world-leading” in terms of quality and excellence. Also, how research is a significant asset for Scotland propelling innovation, economic growth, the…

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Submission to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee on the sustainability of Scotland’s finances

We are delighted to submit to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee on their inquiry into the sustainability of Scotland’s finances. This is ahead of our Director, Alastair Sim’s appearance at the Committee. Our submission highlights the ways in which universities are a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity in Scotland. We have…

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Response to Petition2009: Ensure fair access to Scottish universities for all residents in Scotland and the UK

We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Parliament’s Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee regarding Petition2009: Ensure fair access to Scottish universities for all residents in Scotland and the UK. Universities Scotland believe that in aggregate across the sector, there are sufficient university places available to meet the aspirations of suitably qualified Scots-domiciled…

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Response to the statement from the Home Secretary on graduate visas

In response to the written ministerial statement issued a short time ago by the Home Office, Alastair Sim, Director of Universities Scotland said: “After months of speculation, we have clarity from the UK Government. We welcome the commitment to retaining the post-study work visa which benefits both students and employers. It also helps retain talent…

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Submission to the Education, Children & Young People Committee Budget 2023 to 2024 session

Universities Scotland is extremely disappointed by the Scottish Government’s decision to withdraw £20 million of resource funding allocated to the higher education sector for financial year (FY) 2023/24 and to reverse aspects of the budget decision as supported by the Scottish Parliament in the Budget Bill (now Act) as passed on 21 February 2023.

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£20m cut “extremely disappointing”

This afternoon (Tuesday 2 May), Principals of Scotland’s universities were informed by the Scottish Funding Council that the £20 million of additional resource funding allocated to the sector in December’s budget by the Scottish Government is now “not available for distribution and has been identified as a necessary saving”. Universities were told that Scottish Government…

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Horizon membership: a deal that works for Scotland, the UK and EU

Professor Iain Gillespie is the Convener of our Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee and Principal at the University of Dundee. In an opinion piece for The Herald which ran in its Monday 17 April 2023 edition, he outlines why it’s imperative a deal to secure Horizon membership for the UK is vital. Last month week…

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Response to Scottish Funding Council indicative allocations

This afternoon (Thursday 13 April), the Scottish Funding Council published their Indicative university funding allocations AY 2023-24. This follows the passing of the Scottish Government Budget for 2023-24. Today’s indicative allocations set out the funding available to specific university grants for teaching, research and innovation and clarify the specific funding available to individual institutions for…

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Response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on post-school education, research and skills: interim purpose and principles

We have welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s post-school education, research and skills: interim purpose and principles exercise. We have engaged with the Scottish Government during the consultation phase, which closed on 24 March 2023, culminating in our formal response to their draft.

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What next for research in post-Sturgeon Scotland?

Professor Iain Gillespie, Principal of the University of Dundee and our Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee Convener penned some thoughts for Research Professional about what should happen in research under a new First Minister following Nicola Sturgeon’s decision to resign as First Minister. Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation as First Minister is one of those points in…

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