Briefings & Evidence

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Congratulating Scottish Universities on Research Excellence Framework 2021 Results

University research is an area in which Scotland is “world-leading” in terms of quality and excellence. Research is a significant asset for Scotland propelling innovation, economic growth, the emergence and acceleration of new industries, creating jobs and attracting foreign direct investment (FDI).

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Universities Scotland’s submission to the Education, Children and Young People Committee

Universities Scotland have submitted evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee ahead of University of Aberdeen’s Principal Professor George Boyne’s appearance to the committee on Wednesday 28 September 2022. Our submission details the support of the Committee’s pre-budget scrutiny of university funding and takes the opportunity to provide both written and…

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Promoting Scotland internationally

Universities Scotland welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to the committee’s inquiry into promoting Scotland internationally. Scotland’s universities are proudly international in both our history and outlook.

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Universities Scotland’s articulation of the sector’s principles

Throughout Spring/Summer of 2022, the Scottish Government is consulting on a set of principles for the further and higher education sector to define ‘tertiary’ education. Universities are driven by a strong values and principles. As part of this consultation, Scottish university leaders have come together to articulate the principles that inspire us. These principles are:…

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Universities Scotland’s response to the National Student Survey consultation

Universities Scotland have submitted their response to the National Student Survey Consultation. We have highlighted our views on the proposed changes to the survey and whether these would be beneficial to students who will take the survey or should remain unchanged. You can read our full response here.

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Proposed Schools (Residential Outdoor Education) (Scotland) Bill

Universities Scotland have responded to Liz Smith MSP’s proposed Schools (Residential Outdoor Education) (Scotland) Bill which has just completed its consultation phase. Universities Scotland, representing Scotland’s 19 universities are supportive of this proposed Bill as we consider there to be helpful evidence of the educational and wider benefits that outdoor education offers young people across…

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Universities Scotland’s Career Review statement

Universities Scotland welcome the Career Review Report by Skills Development Scotland. We have released our own Career Review statement in response to this report and it’s recommendations. In our statement, we have highlighted the essentiality of good, bespoke, careers advice in supporting students ready to enter the workforce. We have also responded to the recommendations…

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Efficiency and reform in Scotland’s higher education

We have released our statement on efficiency and reform in Scotland’s higher education, the intention of the Scottish Government’s Resource Spending Review to make the public sector more efficient and help the Government realise its ambition for better outcomes. We welcome the opportunity to work with the Scottish Government on this agenda and encourage Scottish…

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Universities Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s Innovation Strategy consultation

Universities Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s Innovation Strategy consultation. This consultation will allow for a successful innovation strategy by building upon the National Strategy for Economic Transformation. In our submission, we highlighted the importance of the research done by universities and how this leads to innovation. We have also conveyed how graduates are…

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Universities Scotland’s contribution the UK Government’s Higher Education Reform and LLE Policy Consultations

Universities Scotland has contributed to the UK Government’s Higher Education Reform and Lifelong Loan Entitlement  policy consultations.  Whilst the proposed policy reforms primarily relate to universities in England, we seek assurances that any change to student funding will not create unintentional consequences for English-domiciled students wishing to study at Scottish institutions. We have highlighted a…

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