Professor Pamela Gillies is the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University and Lead Member for Mental Health at Universities Scotland. She has written for Universities Scotland on the publication of new research from Mental Health Foundation about student mental health. The Thriving Learners research study into student mental health from the Mental Health Foundation…
Widening access: Schools outreach is absolutely vital
On Tuesday 28 September 2021, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, hosted a group discussion with university students to celebrate the higher education sector’s achievement of the interim widening access target set by the Scottish Government. Mitchell is a second-year student who applied to the University of St Andrews as a result of…
Widening access: “Everybody’s got the right to higher education”
On Tuesday 28 September 2021, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, hosted a group discussion with university students to celebrate the higher education sector’s achievement of the interim widening access target set by the Scottish Government. Hazel is a student at Edinburgh Napier University who gained entry through the access to nursing programme. Hazel says…
Widening access: “Going to university is one of the best choices I’ve ever made”
On Tuesday 28 September 2021, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, hosted a group discussion with university students to celebrate the higher education sector’s achievement of the interim widening access target set by the Scottish Government. Ryan, a Masters student at Heriot-Watt University, participated in the discussion and said that applying to…
Scotland’s universities and their role in Olympic dreams
Professor Sir Gerry McCormac is Convener of Universities Scotland and Principal of the University of Stirling. He writes about the success of student athletes at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Competing at the Olympic or Paralympic Games is often the culmination of years – perhaps even a lifetime’s worth – of preparation and dedication to sport….
Getting Results: Universities’ innovative partnerships with business will drive economic recovery
This week, we’ve had a series of guest blogs from Principals to mark a new report showcasing the role of Scottish universities in economic and social recovery. We’ve covered the role of education and skills development in supporting people, how university research changes lives and fuels growth, we’ve covered the way that the arts and wider…
Getting Results: The New Social Contract
To mark a new report showcasing the role of Scottish universities in economic and social recovery, we’re publishing a series of blogs from Principals highlighting how higher education will deliver for Scotland over the next five years. Every day this week we’ll publish a blog from a Principal looking at a different area of contribution. The…
Getting Results: Addressing inequality in arts education must be a priority for the recovery
To mark a new report showcasing the role of Scottish universities in economic and social recovery, we’re publishing a series of blogs from Principals highlighting how higher education will deliver for Scotland over the next five years. Every day this week we’ll publish a blog from a Principal looking at a different area of contribution. The…
Getting Results: Universities are uniquely placed to drive local post-Covid recovery
To mark a new report showcasing the role of Scottish universities in economic and social recovery, we’re publishing a series of blogs from Principals highlighting how higher education will deliver for Scotland over the next five years. Every day this week we’ll publish a blog from a Principal looking at a different area of contribution….
Getting Results: Our world-leading research will drive sustainable growth
To mark a new report showcasing the role of Scottish universities in economic and social recovery, we’re publishing a series of blogs from Principals highlighting how higher education will deliver for Scotland over the next five years. Every day this week we’ll publish a blog from a Principal looking at a different area of contribution….