Tag: Research and innovation

Response to Scottish Funding Council indicative allocations

This afternoon (Thursday 13 April), the Scottish Funding Council published their Indicative university funding allocations AY 2023-24. This follows the passing of the Scottish Government Budget for 2023-24. Today’s indicative allocations set out the funding available to specific university grants for teaching, research and innovation and clarify the specific funding available to individual institutions for…

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New innovation record set for universities’ work with business

New official statistics have been published that demonstrate the importance of innovation links between the business and higher education as Scotland’s universities continue to play their part in the economic recovery from the pandemic. The HE business and community interaction survey (HE-BCI) published by The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) show that Scottish universities in…

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Twinning funds sees Ukrainian-Scottish research links strengthened

Six Scottish universities have been awarded funds made available through Universities UK International’s (UUKi) twinning initiative to support joint research with universities in Ukraine. The funding will support deeper collaborations between academia in both nations, through a series of twinning partnerships which was first created in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion in 2022. UK International…

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Response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on post-school education, research and skills: interim purpose and principles

We have welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s post-school education, research and skills: interim purpose and principles exercise. We have engaged with the Scottish Government during the consultation phase, which closed on 24 March 2023, culminating in our formal response to their draft.

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What next for research in post-Sturgeon Scotland?

Professor Iain Gillespie, Principal of the University of Dundee and our Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee Convener penned some thoughts for Research Professional about what should happen in research under a new First Minister following Nicola Sturgeon’s decision to resign as First Minister. Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation as First Minister is one of those points in…

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Universities Scotland welcome additional research funding

Universities Scotland has welcomed news of an additional £24.6m of research funding to Scotland’s universities. It follows calls from Universities Scotland to ensure the package of support to universities announced by Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on 21 November would reach Scotland’s universities. Elements of the earlier UK Government announcement were intended to…

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The economic impact of Scotland’s university research activity

We commissioned London Economics in 2022 to assess the economic and social impact of research
activities delivered by Scottish higher education institutions on the United Kingdom economy,
focusing on the 2019-20 academic year.

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Government must ensure universities receive research funding

Universities Scotland have welcomed a UK Government announcement for additional funding to support the international collaborations and competitiveness of UK research, as a result of delays to the UK’s association to the Horizon Europe programme. This funding can directly support research and wider economic growth in Scotland if the extra funding is ring-fenced for research…

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Principals warn of need for sector funding

Two Principals of Scottish universities have spoken to the latest edition of Holyrood about the need for funding for research. Scotland’s universities provide world-leading research and have some of the best universities in the word that attracts many people to Scotland to study. However, there is the significant challenge of keeping these world class researchers and…

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Congratulating Scottish Universities on Research Excellence Framework 2021 Results

University research is an area in which Scotland is “world-leading” in terms of quality and excellence. Research is a significant asset for Scotland propelling innovation, economic growth, the emergence and acceleration of new industries, creating jobs and attracting foreign direct investment (FDI).

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